скласти кросворд або вікторину про визначні місця Лондона(10 запитань)


Ответ дал: 500boxesbs


1. What famous clock tower is located at the north end of the Palace of Westminster?

2. Which iconic bridge spans the River Thames and has two towers that are connected by high-level walkways?

3. What is the name of the famous wax museum located in Marylebone?

4. What is the name of the famous green space located in the heart of London, which is home to the bronze statue of Peter Pan?

5. What is the name of the castle located in the City of Westminster, which has been a royal residence for over 900 years?

6. What is the name of the famous art museum located in Trafalgar Square, which is home to over 2,300 paintings?

7. What is the name of the famous amusement park located in Lambeth, which is home to the iconic London Eye?

8. What is the name of the famous shopping district located in the West End of London, which is home to several luxury shops and department stores?

9. What is the name of the famous Gothic cathedral located in the City of London, which is one of the oldest and most famous landmarks in the city?

10. What is the name of the famous performance venue located in the City of Westminster, which is home to the Royal Ballet and Royal Opera?


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