СРОЧНО 5 класс анг мова

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Ответ дал: artshain

Ответ: 1. Englishmen show their love for a tradition by actively participating in and preserving it. They may engage in traditional ceremonies, celebrations, or events, and pass down customs from generation to generation. They take pride in their cultural heritage and value the continuity of traditions.

2. Yes, Englishmen generally prefer to have central heating in their homes. Central heating systems are common in England, especially in colder regions, as they provide efficient and consistent heating throughout the house.

3. Medieval clothes for Yeoman-Warders, also known as Beefeaters, have existed for several centuries. The Yeoman-Warders are ceremonial guardians of the Tower of London, and their distinctive uniforms, resembling medieval attire, have been worn since the early 16th century.

4. A notable custom kept up in the Houses of Parliament is the tradition of the State Opening of Parliament. This ceremony marks the beginning of a new parliamentary session and involves the British monarch delivering the Queen's Speech, outlining the government's agenda. It is a significant event that combines elements of history, pageantry, and governance

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