Відповісти на питання :

Where is the geographical centre of Europe?
Where are the most beautiful mountains of Ukraine?
What is the highest peak of the mountains?
What lakes are situated in the North-West of your country?
What lake is called the Ukrainian Baikal?
What is the area of Ukraine?


Ответ дал: dextersmth


Объяснение:1.The geographical center of Europe is a matter of debate, as there are different ways to define the continent's borders. However, one common point of reference is a monument in the small town of Dilove, located in the western part of Ukraine near the borders with Poland and Slovakia.

2The Carpathian Mountains are widely regarded as the most beautiful mountain range in Ukraine. T

3The highest peak of the Carpathians, and of Ukraine as a whole, is Hoverla, which reaches an altitude of 2,061 meters (6,762 feet).

4The largest lakes in the North-West of Ukraine are located in the Volyn-Podillya Upland, a hilly region between the Dnieper and Bug rivers. The most notable lakes in this area are Svityaz, located in the Shatsk National Natural Park, and Burshtyn, which is a popular destination for fishing and boating.

6The Ukrainian Baikal is a nickname given to Lake Synevyr, which is located in the Carpathian Mountains and is known for its clear blue water and scenic surroundings. It is often compared to Lake Baikal in Russia, which is one of the deepest lakes in the world.

6 The total area of Ukraine is 603,549 square kilometers (233,100 square miles).

Ответ дал: zdanovadarina3


a) in Lithuania, 26 km north of Vilnius (in the Moletai attachment), between the villages of Purnuskes and Bernotai;

b) The most beautiful mountains in Ukraine are in the Carpathians;

c) The highest peak of the mountains is 8,849 m - Mount Jomulungma;

d) Shatsky lakes are located in the north-west of Ukraine,;

e) "Ukrainian Baikal" is popularly called Lake Svityaz;

f) The area is Ukraine -603,700 km.


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