Right ✅ or wrong (X)? Correct the mistakes:
I know he means well, but he might often be very annoying. x I know/ he moans well, but he can often be very annoying:
1 Excuse me, might l use your phone? I've left mine at home.
2 Here's to the bride and groom! Might you have a long and happy life together!
3. I might have know you'd forget your wallet. Now I'll have to pay for everything.
4 My grandfather had a short temper and he could shout at me if I disturbed him.
5 She can only be 12, but her musical ability is outstanding.


Ответ дал: dominostart123


1. Wrong: "Might" should be replaced with "May." Corrected sentence: Excuse me, may I use your phone? I've left mine at home.

2. Right ✅

3. Wrong: "Might have know" should be replaced with "Should have known." Corrected sentence: I should have known you'd forget your wallet. Now I'll have to pay for everything.

4. Right ✅

5. Wrong: "Can" should be replaced with "Must be." Corrected sentence: She must be 12, but her musical ability is outstanding.


✅- предложение правильное;

Wrong - исправленое предложение

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