12 Fill in the gaps with the words given. sonteone sonteon • everyone anyone • something nothing anything . 1 A: Did you meet anyone nice at the book club? B: Yes, I made lots of new friends! 2 A: Can I make myself a snack? B: Sorry, there's. 3 A: What's wrong, Nurasyl? B: I think ................ stole my phone! 4 A: How can we help you today, sir? B: I need a smart tie for work, do you have with red stripes? 5 A: I want to get Mira for her birthday. left to eat. special B: How about some jewellery, like a ring? 6 A: I really didn't like that café. B Really? ................ПОМОГИТЕ ТУТ НЕ ПРАВИЛЬНО НА ФОТКЕ ЗАДАНИЕ​



Ответ дал: Ceksuu


2. nothing

3. someone

4. anything

5. something

6. Everyone

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