7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. Use the informal 'gonna'. Find out about the popular tourist destination of Venice. How many cars are there in Venice? How do people travel in Venice? What do people wear for Carnevale? Discovery EDUCATION 9.1 City of water​


Ответ дал: Riplerrcup



-- Asker: Hey, what are you gonna do in Venice?

-- Partner: I'm gonna explore the canals and visit the beautiful palaces.

-- Asker: Cool. Do you know how people travel in Venice?

-- Partner: Yeah, they travel by boat, mostly by gondolas, water taxis or vaporettos.

-- Asker: That's interesting. By the way, how many cars are there in Venice?

-- Partner: There are no cars allowed in Venice, as the city is built on water. People usually walk or travel by boat.

-- Asker: Oh, I see. And what do people wear for Carnevale?

-- Partner: They usually wear elaborate costumes and masks during the Carnevale festival. It's a big celebration in Venice with lots of music, parades, and parties.

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