Exercise 4: The following sentences use quoted speech. Change the following sentences from quoted speech to reported speech. 1.) Fred said, "I am playing a console." 2.) Professor Graeme said, "I worked all day!" 3.) The president said, "I will be visiting Italy in December." VAD 4.) The weatherman announced, "It may rain today." 5.) My father screamed, "I have to go to the airport, now!" 6.) Then my mother said, "I must take your father." 7.) The psychologist said, "You should calm down." 8.) I responded, "I ought to leave the office." 9.) Mark said, "I love visiting China and Korea." 10.) Martin said, "I can be a great president!" 11.) Sung-He said, "Close the windows" 12.) Bobby will say, "I have already done direct and indirect speech exercises." ДАЮ 40 БАЛЛОВ СРОЧНО ​



Ответ дал: Torgovets

To change from quoted speech to reported speech, you should remove the quotation marks and put "that" instead. You should also change the pronoun "I" with "he" because when we change a quoted speech into reported speech, the position of the subject will also be changed according to their perspective.

1. Fred said that he was playing a console.

2. Professor Graeme said that he had worked all day.

3. The president said that he would be visiting Italy in December.

4. The weatherman announced that it might rain today.

5. My father screamed that he had to go to the airport, now!

6. Then my mother said that she must take my father.

7. The psychologist said that I should calm down.

8. I responded that I ought to leave the office.

9. Mark said that he loved visiting China and Korea.

10. Martin said that he could be a great president!

11. Sung-He said to close the windows.

12. Bobby will say that he has already done direct and indirect speech exercises.

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