NS take r Explore opposites 6 Complete the sentences with the opposites of the adjectives in the box. unsuccessful 1 2 lucky bad sensible dangerous old 3 That film wasn't very__ to see it. The lift isn't very_ between floors. good hich has is thought that orld now. In around lion. We need cars, of c eep some places natura njoy things as they wers Greg was very karate competition! 4 Eddie's house is really cool. It's full of furniture. Don't go It stops . He won the 5 We went on a skiing holiday but there was no snow! We were very 6 A lot of people think that being afraid of clowns But it's a real phobia. is very M7​


Ответ дал: ILieNoha

That film wasn't very successful to see it.

The lift isn't very sensible between floors.

That which is thought to be old now, in fact, around the world, has a lot of value.

Eddie's house is really dangerous. It's full of furniture.

We went on a skiing holiday but there was no snow! We were very unlucky.

A lot of people think that being afraid of clowns is very bad. But it's a real phobia.

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