D Read the Exam Reminder and complete the Exam Task. Exam Task Complete the blog about a concert. Write ONE word for each space. The early bird gets a front-row seat you want (2) see your (1). favourite performer for free, you had (3) get up early to queue. It's especially hard to do this if you hate (4) out of bed at 4 am like me! But that's exactly what I (5) It was a free One Direction concert, so of course I couldn't miss it. I left my house at 4.30 am, and I was too tired (6) walk. I met my friends at Rigley Stadium at 5 am and I was (7) happy to see 100 people already in the queue. My friends saw how tired I was, and they asked if I (8) rather leave and go back to bed, but I decided to stay. In the end, we stood - and sometimes sat - in the queue (9) sixteen hours. Can you believe that? But, we got a space (10) the front of the stage and the concert was great! Exam Reminder Looking at the whole text • Before you try to answer the questions, read through the whole text first to get a basic understanding of it. • When you write conditional sentences, remember to use the correct verb forms. For other structures, think about whether you need a gerund or infinitive form after a verb. • Remember that for some of the gaps, you might need a negative word, such as not or never. Read the whole sentence to see if a negative word fits best in the gap.​


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