Complete the conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Then decide whether each sentence is a zero, first or second conditional. Write zero, first or second.
1. If we ................ (not have) a lot of rain here, the fields wouldn't be so green. 2. If lightning ...... (hit) a building, it doesn't always damage it. 3. They will be OK on the mountain if the weather ................ (stay) fine. 4. If you see lightning, you usually ................ (hear) thunder soon after. 5. ................ (be) really scared if I found myself in the middle of a big storm. 6. If you don't get too close to the storm, you ................ (not be) in danger. 7. We ................ (go) to the beach if it's sunny. 8. I would love to take photos of a storm if I ****** ............ (have) a good camera. ****


Ответ дал: dominostart123


1. If we didn't have a lot of rain here, the fields wouldn't be so green. (Second conditional)

2. If lightning hits a building, it doesn't always damage it. (Zero conditional)

3. They will be OK on the mountain if the weather stays fine. (First conditional)

4. If you see lightning, you usually hear thunder soon after. (Zero conditional)

5. I would be really scared if I found myself in the middle of a big storm. (Second conditional)

6. If you don't get too close to the storm, you won't be in danger. (Zero conditional)

7. We will go to the beach if it's sunny. (First conditional)

8. I would love to take photos of a storm if I had a good camera. (Second conditional)


можете пометить как лучший ответ, если помог, буду очень благодарен)

dominostart123: Здравствуйте, если мой ответ помог вам, то можете пометить эго как лучший ответ, буду несказанно благодарен. Заранее спасибо
alin54: Дуже велике дякую !
dominostart123: Будь-ласка
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