Допоможіть, будь-ласка з тестом...

Kate … with dolls when she … a little girl.

played, was
had been playing, had been
was playing, was
played, was being
had been playing, was
played, had been
were playing, were
had played, was

The students … when the headmaster ... into the classroom … .

had written, had come
were writing, were coming
were writing, came
wrote, were coming
had written, came
wrote, had come
had been writing, had been come
wrote, came

Miranda … to the capital city two years ago.

had moved
were moving
did move
has been moving
have been moving
was moving
had been moving

Richard … a fortune before the crisis … .

did not earn, began
did not earn, had begun
had not earned, had begun
was earing, was beginning
earned not, begined
had not earned, began
were earning, were beginning
had not been earning, had been beginning

My parents … at the table while we … in the hall.

was sitting, was dancing
sat, danced
were sitting, were dancing
sited, danced
sat, had been dancing
had been sitting, danced
had sat, danced
sat, had danced

Sam … the box, … the monitor and … it in.

had opened, had been unpacking, was plugging
had been opening, had been unpacking, had been plugging
was opening, was unpacking, was plugging
had opened, unpacked, plugged
opened, had unpacked, plugged
opened, unpacked, had plugged
did open, did unpack, did plug
opened, unpacked, plugged

Rosalinda … a present before she … to the party.

had bought, came
bought, came
was buying, was coming
bought, had been coming
bought, was coming
had been buying, came
was buying, came
bought, had come

Joan … a bath when we … at her door.

took, knocked
knocked, had been taking
took, was knocking
had been taking, knocked
was taking, knocked
were taking, knocked
took, had knocked
was taking, was knocking

The tourist … the rooms in the hotels ... before he … on the round-the-Europe tour .

was booking, was going
booked, had gone
booked, was going
had booked, had gone
booked, went
was booking, went
had been booking, had been going
had booked, went

Ronald …. for years before he … a new world record.

practiced, made
had been practicing, made
practiced, had made
had practiced, made
practiced, was making
practiced, had been making
was practicing, was making
were practicing, were making​


Ответ дал: aleksiakr


1) played, was

2)were writing, came

3)had moved

я не уверенна, но вот


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