9. I want to... a musician in a pop group.
A am
C be
B is
D are
10. English... easy with a good teacher, I think.
A am
C are
B is
D be
11. Paul and Diana ... my friends. We went to the same school.
C is
A was
D are
B were
12. What time... it, please?
A am
B is
C are
D be
13. The roses... in the vase.
A aren't
B isn't t
C weren't
D wasn't
14. I... Ann's teacher.
A am not
B amn't
C isn't
D is not C are D be
15. The red pens... in the box if you don't put them there.
A aren't
C be
B won't be
D will be
16. The computer on the desk seems ... new.
A be
C is
B to be
D was
17. My sister ... a student next year.
A will
B is
C will be
D are
18. ...Olia and Taras present at the meeting yesterday?
A Was
B Were
C Are
D Will be
19. The girls... tired after the long walk in the mountains.
C is
A are
D am
B will
20. All sportsmen ... here. Let's begin!
A will be
B are
C were
D is
21. You need a lot of qualifications ... a doctor.
A be
C to be
B being
D been
22. I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you ... ?
A be
C to be
B been
D are ​


Ответ дал: savaseregin

9. I want to be a musician in a pop group.

10. English is easy with a good teacher, I think.

11. Paul and Diana are my friends. We went to the same school.

12. What time is it, please?

13. The roses aren't in the vase.

14. I am not Ann's teacher.

15. The red pens won't be in the box if you don't put them there.

16. The computer on the desk seems to be new.

17. My sister will be a student next year.

18. Were Olia and Taras present at the meeting yesterday?

19. The girls are tired after the long walk in the mountains.

20. All sportsmen are here. Let's begin!

21. You need a lot of qualifications to be a doctor.

22. I haven't seen you for ages. Where have you been?

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