100 баллов 9 упражнение 8класс



Ответ дал: adinigmashev6


Student A: (knocks on student B's bedroom door)

Student B: Hi, (name). Do you want something?

Student A: Hey, (name)! I want to do some exercise. Do you mind if I borrow a piece of your fitness equipment?

Student B: Sure, go ahead. But I need it back by tomorrow evening.

Student A: Thank you so much! I promise to bring it back tomorrow evening.

Student B: You're welcome.

(Student A takes the fitness equipment and leaves)

Student B:

(few minutes later, Student A comes back)

Student A: Hey, (name), I almost forgot! Thank you so much for letting me borrow this.

Student B: No problem! How was the workout?

Student A: It was great, thanks to you! I'll make sure to give it back tomorrow evening.

Student B: Sounds good! Anytime you want to borrow it, let me know.

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