Помоги в решение на стр.79 даю 25 баллов!!1.Katy isn't.........,but her mum is.
2.The shops had some........because it was Black Friday.
3.Katy carefully put the........in her rucksack.
4)The department store was....... as the jeans in the small clothes shop.
5)Katy`s new jeans were..............as the jeans in the small clothes shop
6.The girls......... to have a sandwich.
7.Katy's rucksack......... the department store.



Ответ дал: Yaroslav2537


1. Katy isn't tidy, but her mum is.

2. The shops had some great offers because it was "black friday".

3. Katy carefully put the money in her rucksack.

4.The department store was busy.

5. Katy's new jeans were cheap as the jeans in the small clothes shop.

6. The girls went to the cafe to have a sandwich.

7. Katy's rucksack was in the department store.

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