66. Open the brackets. на 8 08 1. How well your sister (to paint)? 2. His parents (to take) pictures in the country in summer? 3. What your favourite (to be) pop star? 4. Which of her friends (to wear) shorts in summer? 5. How often you (to go) to the cinema with your friends? 6. Your brother (to read) books in bed? 7. With whom you (to like) to play volley- ball? 8. You (to help) your mother about the house? 9. How many history lessons he (to have) a week?


Ответ дал: adinigmashev6


1. How well does your sister paint?

2. Do his parents take pictures in the country in summer?

3. Who is your favourite pop star?

4. Which of her friends wears shorts in summer?

5. How often do you go to the cinema with your friends?

6. Does your brother read books in bed?

7. Who do you like to play volleyball with?

8. Do you help your mother about the house?

9. How many history lessons does he have a week?

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