Circle the correct item. 1 "I'm going for an interview this Monday afternoon," Martin said. Martin said him / he was going for an interview that/ this Monday afternoon. 2 "Aibek isn't working today," she says. She says that he/his isn't working today/ that day. 3 "I repaired three computers for customers yesterday," Carol said. Carol said she / her had repaired three computers for customers the day before / that day. 4 "We're very busy in the shop now," they said. They said that they/them were very busy in the shop today/then. 5 "I will start my new summer job tomorrow," he said. He said that him/he would start his/him summer job the next day/that daу.​


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1. “I’m going for an interview this Monday afternoon,” Martin said.

Martin said HE was going for an interview THAT Monday afternoon.

2. “Aibek isn’t working today,” she says.

She says that HE isn’t  working TODAY.

3. “I repaired three computers for customers yesterday,” Carol said.

Carol said SHE had repaired three computers for customers the day BEFORE.

4. “We’re very busy in the shop now,” they said.

They said that THEY were very busy in the shop THEN.

5. “I will start my new summer job tomorrow,” he said.

He said that HE would start HIS summer job THE NEXT DAY.

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