1. Choose the correct tense form of the verb in brackets. 1. His brother 2. a) didn't finish you ever a) Did, see 3. Helen school yet. a) looks 4. The women usually a) visits 5. The children a) heard 6. There b) Have, seen for her book at the moment. b) is looking b) doesn't finish a) were Tower Bridge? art galleries in Britain. b) have visited a beautiful music yesterday. b) have heard much snow last winter. b) have been c) hasn't finish c) Do, see c) looked c) visit c) are hearing c) was

Пожалуйста ​


Ответ дал: dominostart123


1. Choose the correct tense form of the verb in brackets.

1. His brother hasn't finished his homework yet.

2. Did you ever see a UFO?

3. Helen hasn't found a publisher for her book yet.

4. The women usually visit art galleries in Britain.

5. The children heard a beautiful music yesterday.

6. Have you been to Tower Bridge?


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