Сделайте вопроси к етим речення використовуючи 'how'
1.Usain Bolt ran the 100m in (9.63 seconds) at the
London Olympics.
2.I go to the cinema (twice) a week.

3.Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa is (5895m)
4.The Amazon River is (6,000) kilometres.

5.A DVD costs (£10).


Ответ дал: nellybalitska



1. How many metres the Usain Bolt ran at the London Olympics?

2. How many times you go to the cinema a week?

3. How many metres is Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa?

4. How many metres is Amazon river?

5. How much DVD costs?

kkostia2010: 1-не правильно
kkostia2010: Я там просил на скок секунд
Ответ дал: 12345678910zope
1. How long did Usain Bolt run the 100m in at the London Olympics?
2. How often do you go to the cinema in a week?
3. How high is Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa?
4. How long is the Amazon River in kilometers?
5. How much does a DVD cost?
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