1 Match the adjectives with the definitions. 1 quick 2 strong 3 fun 4 brilliant 5 heavy 6 ready 7 new 8 pleased a this describes a person's body, often their arms or legs b this word describes something we enjoy, such as a party c this is the opposite of 'old' d this word means 'very good' e this word describes an object that weighs a lot and is difficult to carry f this word is similar to 'happy'; we often say it when we meet a person for the first time g this is another word for 'fast' h we use this word to say we can start doing something​


Ответ дал: amirkhonbakhtiyorov


1. quick - g, this is another word for 'fast'

2. strong - a, this describes a person's body, often their arms or legs

3. fun - b, this word describes something we enjoy, such as a party

4. brilliant - d, this word means 'very good'

5. heavy - e, this word describes an object that weighs a lot and is difficult to carry

6. ready - h, we use this word to say we can start doing something

7. new - c, this is the opposite of 'old'

8. pleased - f, this word is similar to 'happy'; we often say it when we meet a person for the first time.

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