Select the correct possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns that better complete each sentence. 1. María is my / mine sister. 2. Hers / Her baby has some rabbits. 3. That book is my / mine. 4. These are her/hers computers. 5. Laura has their / theirs pencils. 6. The teacher drives he / his taxi. 7. That strawberry is hers / her. 8. The house is their / theirs. 9. Their / theirs kitchen is dirty. 10. The bag is their u/ theirs. 11. Yours / Your sisters are in Pelileo. 12. This is ours / our. 13. Its / It feet are small. 14. That pen is his / he. 15. This keyboard is yours/ your. Created by: Clara Rodriguez Date: May 26th, 2021 ************************ LIVEWORKSHEETSответ ответ ​


Ответ дал: nurshatsapiev


María is my sister.

Her baby has some rabbits.

That book is mine.

These are her computers.

Laura has their pencils.

The teacher drives his taxi.

That strawberry is hers.

The house is theirs.

Their kitchen is dirty.

The bag is theirs.

Your sisters are in Pelileo.

This is ours.

Its feet are small.

That pen is his.

This keyboard is yours.

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