Answer the questions. Why should we avoid using our cars? What means of transport are less harmful to the environment? 3 What can we do if we can't use an item again? 4 Who can help you to clean up your neighbourhood? 5 Why are trees important? 2 1 2 6 What should we do if we see rubbish on the ground? 7 THINK! What do we need to do to keep our own neighbourhood clean? In three minutes write a few sentences. Read them to your partner. 8 What is the author's attitude?​

n913682: м ??
luizaminimulina01: А?
n913682: ничего
zanatkajsibaev: м??мю
n913682: ???
kindivy2011: как будто крутые


Ответ дал: weinrauchmelinda8130




1. Why should we avoid using our cars?

We should avoid using our cars because they emit harmful pollutants into the air, contributing to air pollution and climate change.

2. What means of transport are less harmful to the environment?

Public transportation, cycling, and walking are less harmful to the environment as they do not emit pollutants and have a smaller carbon footprint.

3. What can we do if we can't use an item again?

If we can't use an item again, we can try to recycle it or dispose of it properly to avoid causing harm to the environment.

4. Who can help you to clean up your neighbourhood?

Local authorities or community organizations can help in cleaning up the neighbourhood.

5. Why are trees important?

Trees are important because they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, help to prevent soil erosion, and provide habitats for wildlife.

6. What should we do if we see rubbish on the ground?

If we see rubbish on the ground, we should pick it up and dispose of it properly to keep the environment clean.

7. THINK! What do we need to do to keep our own neighbourhood clean?

To keep our own neighbourhood clean, we need to dispose of waste properly, recycle whenever possible, and avoid littering. We can also organize community clean-up events.

8. What is the author's attitude?

The text seems to promote environmental awareness and encourage readers to take action to protect the environment. The author's attitude is likely positive and proactive towards the topic.

kindivy2011: хорошо
kindivy2011: сколько лет?
kindivy2011: вам?
kindivy2011: почему?
kindivy2011: а там 5 дней назад всем разрешали написа?
kindivy2011: ть*
vantakova31: чо
vantakova31: я к кз
ahmetovmiha02: спасибо
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