поставте не менше 5 питань до речення: Our class will have tests next month.​


Ответ дал: qwertyighfg
  1. What kind of tests will your class have next month?
  2. When exactly will the tests take place?
  3. Who will be responsible for preparing the tests?
  4. How many tests will there be in total?
  5. What topics will the tests cover?

sonapisnaa: Спасибо
Ответ дал: Nastysty



1. When will our class have tests?

2. Who will be taking the tests in our class next month?

3. How many tests will our class have next month?

4. What subjects will be covered in the tests for our class next month?

5. What is the format of the tests that our class will have next month?

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