I TASK 4. Make up questions (5) 1. I went to the seaside last month. Where 2. We usually travel by car. How 3. My granny has already watched this film. What 4. The will arrive next Saturday. When 5. Sally usually travels by plane because planes are very fast. Why ? ?​



Ответ дал: qwertyighfg
  1. Where did you go last month?
  2. How do you usually travel?
  3. What film has your granny already watched?
  4. When will they arrive?
  5. Why does Sally usually travel by plane?
Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. Where did you go to the seaside last month?

2. How do you usually travel?

3. What film has your granny already watched?

4. When will they arrive next Saturday?

5. Why does Sally usually travel by plane?

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