Maria Montessori was a very influential teacher whose approach to children's
education became popular around the world. She was born in Italy in 1870 and was
one of the first women in her country to become a doctor. She worked with children
and soon became interested in teaching. In 1907, she opened (6) school in
Rome, and the success of her methods led more and more schools to adopt them. She
spent the next 40 years (7) writing about her teaching system and travelling to
educate teachers about it.
Maria Montessori believed that all children have (8),
powers and that every child
is unique. In her classes, students could choose activities they found interesting and
learn by teaching (9), They also had the freedom to move around and interact
with each (10), Today, Montessori schools can be found all over the world, and
teachers still use Maria's methods to help children learn and develop.
6. A. one's own
7. A. either
8. A. creative
9. A. theirs
10. A. themselves
B. one of her
B. both
B. creation
B. them
B. other
C. herself
C. neither
C. creature
C. themselves
C. of them
D. her own
D. all
D. creator
D. other
D. another


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

6. She opened her own school in Rome.

7. She spent the next 40 years writing about her teaching system and travelling to educate teachers about it.

8. Maria Montessori believed that all children have creative powers and that every child is unique.

9. In her classes, students could choose activities they found interesting and learn by teaching themselves.

10. They also had the freedom to move around and interact with each other.

Ответ дал: savaseregin

6. A. one's own

7. B. both

8. A. creative

9. D. them

10. B. other

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