2.8 Write the following sentences in the 3rd person singular.
1.1 think I am ill. 2. They often visit their granny. 3. We live in Leeds. 4. You usually speak too quickly. 5. Do you like boiled potatoes? 6. Good animals always obey their masters. 7. The boys box in the gymnasium on Fridays. 8. His dogs always attack the neighbours. 9. Heavy trucks make a lot of noise.

2.9 Make up the sentences.
1. university, Ann, goes, to, nine, at
2. husband, work, and, at, I, my, plant, a
3. not, go, to the Institute, Sundays, student, on, do
4. Nick, at, does, University, study, the (?)
5. our, receive, the best, scholarships, students, University, of

2.10 Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple.
1. In England the traffic (keep) to the left but on the Continent it (keep) to the right. 2. They often(come) to see me in my town house 3. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 6. My father
(like) a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar. 7. We usually (spend) our holidays in Spain. 8. My English friends (live) in a nice house that (stand) on a hill that (overlook) lake Windermere, which (be) in the Lake District. 9. What this sentence (mean)? 10.1 (live) in Kiev, which (be) my native town. 11. My brother (sing) in Italian opera.

**2.12 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, complete the text and tell about your hobby.
A hobby (to be) a regular activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure. Examples of hobbies (to include) collecting stamps or coins, cooking, knitting, dancing etc. Some people (to like) to stay indoors and do things that (not to involve) physical activity: they read detective or love stories, watch TV-programs or play computer games; the latter are called mouse-potatoes.
The others (to prefer) outdoor activities such as hiking, sailing, rock climbing, fishing, hunting. Some hobbies (to result) in an end product and are considered creative hobbies. Examples of this would be woodworking, painting, photography, sewing. In Britain walking and gardening (to be) very popular. As for me, I prefer these activities: ...если что все в этих упражнениях надо поставить в Present Simple пожалуйста помогите


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA


1. He thinks he is ill.

2. He/she often visits their granny.

3. He/she lives in Leeds.

4. He/she usually speaks too quickly.

5. Does he/she like boiled potatoes?

6. Good animals always obey their masters.

7. The boy boxes in the gymnasium on Fridays.

8. His dog always attacks the neighbors.

9. Heavy trucks make a lot of noise.


1. Ann goes to university at nine.

2. I work at the plant and my husband works at a...

3. The student does not go to the Institute on Sundays.

4. Does Nick study at the University?

5. The students of our University receive the best scholarships.


1. In England the traffic keeps to the left, but on the Continent it keeps to the right.

2. They often come to see me in my town house.

3. Jane is fond of sports. She does her morning exercises every day.

4. For breakfast, she has two eggs, a sandwich, and a cup of tea.

5. After breakfast, she goes to school.

6. My father likes a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar.

7. We usually spend our holidays in Spain.

8. My English friends live in a nice house that stands on a hill that overlooks lake Windermere, which is in the Lake District.

9. What does this sentence mean?

10. I live in Kiev, which is my native town.

11. My brother sings in Italian opera.


A hobby is a regular activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure. Examples of hobbies include collecting stamps or coins, cooking, knitting, dancing, etc. Some people like to stay indoors and do things that do not involve physical activity: they read detective or love stories, watch TV programs, or play computer games; the latter are called mouse-potatoes. The others prefer outdoor activities such as hiking, sailing, rock climbing, fishing, hunting. Some hobbies result in an end product and are considered creative hobbies. Examples of this would be woodworking, painting, photography, sewing. In Britain, walking and gardening are very popular. As for me, I prefer outdoor activities like hiking and cycling. I also enjoy reading and playing musical instruments in my free time.

veronika0720: Спасибо большое
Ответ дал: savaseregin

2.8 Third person singular:

1. He/she thinks he/she is ill.

2. He/she often visits his/her granny.

3. They live in Leeds.

4. He/she usually speaks too quickly.

5. Does he/she like boiled potatoes?

6. Good animals always obey their masters.

7. The boys box in the gymnasium on Fridays.

8. His dogs always attack the neighbours.

9. Heavy trucks make a lot of noise.

2.9 Sentence construction:

1. Ann goes to university at nine.

2. I work at my plant, and my husband works at his.

3. The student does not go to the Institute on Sundays.

4. Does Nick study at the University?

5. The best students at our University receive scholarships.

2.10 Present Simple:

1. In England, the traffic keeps to the left, but on the Continent, it keeps to the right.

2. They often come to see me in my townhouse.

3. Jane is fond of sports. She does her morning exercises every day.

4. For breakfast, she has two eggs, a sandwich, and a cup of tea.

5. After breakfast, she goes to school.

6. My father likes a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar.

7. We usually spend our holidays in Spain.

8. My English friends live in a nice house that stands on a hill that overlooks Lake Windermere, which is in the Lake District.

9. What does this sentence mean?

10. I live in Kiev, which is my native town.

11. My brother sings in Italian opera.

2.12 Hobbies:

A hobby is a regular activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure. Examples of hobbies include collecting stamps or coins, cooking, knitting, dancing, etc. Some people like to stay indoors and do things that do not involve physical activity; they read detective or love stories, watch TV programs, or play computer games. The latter are called mouse-potatoes.

The others prefer outdoor activities such as hiking, sailing, rock climbing, fishing, hunting. Some hobbies result in an end product and are considered creative hobbies. Examples of this would be woodworking, painting, photography, sewing. In Britain, walking and gardening are very popular. As for me, I prefer these activities: reading books, playing musical instruments, and practicing yoga. These hobbies help me relax and unwind after a long day at work.

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