1 Complete the dialogue by choosing the correct
form of the verbs: Past Simple or Past
Alison: Where were you last night? Iphoned was
phoning you five times!
Trevor: Sorry, Alison, but when I ¹ rode / was riding
my bike home from school yesterday, I
2 hit/was hitting a tree and
3 twisted / was twisting my knee - look!
14 had / was having to go to the hospital.
Alison: Oh, Trevor! I'm so sorry.
| 5 worried / was worrying about you all night.
Trevor: It's OK. The doctor said / was saying that I
can't ride my bike for two weeks.
It hurt/was hurting so much just while
18 walked / was walking from the hospital to
my mum's car.
Alison: Poor you
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Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. was riding

2. hit

3. twisted

4. had

5. was worrying

6. said

7. can't ride

8. hurt

9. was walking

hvafsdgdh: Це точно правильно?
Аноним: Это не правильно!
Ответ дал: savaseregin

Alison: Where were you last night? I phoned you five times!

Trevor: Sorry, Alison, but when I was riding my bike home from school yesterday, I hit a tree and twisted my knee - look! I had to go to the hospital.

Alison: Oh, Trevor! I'm so sorry. I was worrying about you all night.

Trevor: It's OK. The doctor was saying that I can't ride my bike for two weeks. It was hurting so much just while I was walking from the hospital to my mum's car.

Alison: Poor you.

hvafsdgdh: Це точно правильно?
iramazurk: Откуда им знать! Пишет нейросеть а не они!
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