Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, the Present Continuous or the 'be going to' form.

1 Look! The sky is cloudy - it (rain) 2 1 (meet) 3 Jane (not visit) 4 tomorrow? you (play) George (come) 5 6 Check the weather - today? Fred at the theme park at 6 pm. her grandfather in Oxford. football with me to the party tonight? it (snow). ​


Ответ дал: savaseregin

1. Look! The sky is cloudy - it is going to rain.

2. I am going to meet Jane.

3. Jane is not visiting.

4. Are you playing football with me tomorrow? Is George coming?

5. Check the weather - what is it going to be like today?

6. Fred is going to be at the theme park at 6 pm. She is visiting her grandfather in Oxford. Are you coming to the party tonight? It is going to snow.

Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. Look! The sky is cloudy - it is going to rain.

2. I am meeting Jane.

3. Jane is not visiting.

4. Are you going to play? Is George coming?

5. Fred is at the theme park.

6. She is visiting her grandfather in Oxford. Will you play football with me tonight? It is snowing.

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