1. “Where are you going?” I asked her.

2. “We’re going into town,” they said.

3. “Don’t hurry!” I said.

4. “I haven’t got any money,” he told me.

5. “Can you speak more slowly?” he asked her.

6. “Don’t touch the wire”, he warned us.

7. “Which team will win?” asked Ann.

8. “I was on holiday in July,” she told her.

9. “What time did you get home?” they asked him.

10. “Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?” asked my aunt.

11. “Can you do me a favour? She asked me.

12. “I’m sorry but we don’t have any room available at the moment.” the

receptionist apologises.

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Ответ дал: savaseregin

1. I asked her where she was going.

2. They said they were going into town.

3. I told them not to hurry.

4. He informed me that he didn't have any money.

5. He asked her if she could speak more slowly.

6. He warned us not to touch the wire.

7. Ann asked which team would win.

8. She told her that she had been on holiday in July.

9. They asked him what time he had gotten home.

10. My aunt asked if a return ticket was cheaper than two singles.

11. She asked me if I could do her a favor.

12. The receptionist apologized and said that they didn't have any room available at the moment.

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Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. I asked her where she was going.

2. They said they were going into town.

3. I told them not to hurry.

4. He told me that he hadn't got any money.

5. He asked her if she could speak more slowly.

6. He warned us not to touch the wire.

7. Ann asked which team would win.

8. She told her that she was on holiday in July.

9. They asked him what time he got home.

10. My aunt asked if a return ticket was cheaper than two singles.

11. She asked me if I could do her a favour.

12. The receptionist apologized and said they didn't have any room available at the moment.

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