4 Are the sentences true of false? Write T or F. 1 Ukrainian people have a positive attitude to life. 2 Most Ukrainians live in villages. 3 Ukrainian people usually cook their own meals. 4 People don't get enough exercise because there aren't enough gyms in Ukraine. 5 Teenagers in Ukraine enjoy socializing, using technology and working out in the gym. F​


Ответ дал: RICHGUY


It is difficult to determine whether a whole group of people have a uniformly positive attitude to life, but generally Ukrainians are known for their hospitality and warmth towards others, which could be considered a positive attitude to life. So, the sentence could be considered true.False. According to the World Bank, around two-thirds of Ukrainians live in urban areas, not in villages.True. Home-cooked meals are very common in Ukraine, and eating out or ordering in is less frequent.False. While the availability of gyms can vary depending on the location, there are plenty of options for physical activity in Ukraine, including outdoor sports facilities and public parks.False. Teenagers in Ukraine enjoy socializing and using technology, like many young people around the world, but the popularity of working out in the gym is not particularly high compared to some other countries.


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