Jane Goodall A Jane Goodall is a famous wildlife expert and writer. She is especially interested in monkeys and chimps. B She was ___21 in 1934. She 3 ____in London. with her parents. When she was a child she received a toy chimpanzee from her parents. This started her love for monkeys. C In 1958 she 4______ with wild chimps in Tanzania and watched their behaviour and actions. She decided to study at Cambridge University in 1962. She then 5 _____to Tanzania and continued studying chimps. D Jane studied chimps for fifty-five years. In 1977 she 6 _____an organisation to protect wild chimpanzees. She still 7____to protect wild animals today.
2 Now complete the biography with the correct words. works, lived ,returned ,born, fameus ,worked ,started. 4

помогите пожалуйста!!!!​


Ответ дал: jenaswaag1997


1 - born 2- lived 3- worked 4 - returned 5 - started 6 - works


born - родилась, lived - жила, worked - работала, returned - вернулась, strated - начала (но в данном случае - основала, открыла организацию для того чтобы защищать диких шимпанзе), works - работает. надеюсь помогла :)

polinasirotenko11151: спасибочки, очень помогла
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