Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given in brackets. Do not change the given word. Use between two and four words.


0) Somebody has just painted the door. Don't touch it! (IS)

The door ____ . Don't touch it!


is painted

1) A police officer arrested two vandals in the street yesterday. (WERE)
Two vandals___in the street yesterday.
2) They spend a lot of money to restore historic buildings in the town. (IS)
A lot of money___to restore historic buildings in the town.
3) Alisha, I think they should clean your dress in a dry cleaner before you put it on. (CLEANED)
Alisha, I think you should___in a dry cleaner before you put it on.
4) Are you sure that your uncle goes fishing? (DOES)
____really go fishing?
5) What artist of the exhibition attracted your attention more? (ATTRАCTED)
Among the artists of the exhibition,____your attention more?


Ответ дал: drstoun007
  1. Two vandals were arrested in the street yesterday.
  2. A lot of money is spent to restore historic buildings in the town.
  3. Alisha, I think you should have your dress cleaned in a dry cleaner before you put it on.
  4. Does he really go fishing?
  5. Among the artists of the exhibition, which one attracted your attention more?

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