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In groups, say which activities in Vocabulary A you have/haven't tried and which are popular/unpopular in your country.​



Ответ дал: vladvim


As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or a specific country. However, I can provide some general information about the popularity of certain activities in different parts of the world.

Popular activities:

- Watching movies/TV shows: This is a popular activity worldwide, especially with the growth of streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime.

- Playing sports: Different sports are popular in different countries. For example, football (soccer) is popular in Europe and South America, while basketball is popular in the United States.

- Traveling: Many people enjoy exploring new places and cultures, making traveling a popular activity.

- Listening to music: Music is a universal language and a popular form of entertainment worldwide.

Unpopular activities:

- Hunting: Hunting is not as popular as it used to be due to concerns about animal welfare and conservation.

- Smoking: Smoking has become less popular in many countries due to increased awareness of its harmful effects on health.

- Gambling: While gambling is legal in some countries, it is not universally accepted and can be seen as a negative activity by some.

- Extreme sports: Activities like base jumping and skydiving are not for everyone and may be seen as too risky or dangerous.

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