Помогите решить срочно даю 40 баллов
Find the mistakes in five of the sentances and correct them.

1)You can't to enter without a ticket.
2)Does he has to work this werkend?
3)You should change your office chair it isnt good for your back.
4)They doesnt have to wear school uniform.
5)Do you Should take a coat with you?
6)Can you wear jeans at your office?
7)Are you sure you have take all your certificates to the interview?​


Ответ дал: reallox

Ответ: держи


1)You can't enter without a ticket.

2)Does he have to work this werkend?3)You should change your office chair it isnt good for your back.(правильное)

4)They don’t have to wear school uniform.

5)Should you take a coat with you?

6)Can you wear jeans at your office?(правильное)

7)Are you sure you have taken all your certificates to the interview?​

timonbaklanov: Прошу помоги мне если можешь!!!: https://znanija.com/task/52825307?answeringSource=feedPublic%2FhomePage%2F1
Ответ дал: Anna23432
1) You can't enter without a ticket.
2)Does he have to work this werkend?
3)You should change your office chair it isnt good for
your back.
4) They don't have to wear school uniform.
5) Should you take a coat with you?
6)Can you wear jeans at your office?
7)Are you sure you have taken all your certificates to the interview?
(Вроде правильно)
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