3 SPEAKING Use words from Exs 1 & 2 to ask and answer questions, as in the example. A: How was your holiday? B: It was great. We went A: Where did you stay? B: We stayed ... A: How did you travel? B: We travelled A: What did you do? B: We.... .. and A: What was the weather like? B: It was​


Ответ дал: zxcartem



A: How was your holiday?

B: It was great. We went to Spain.

A: Where did you stay?

B: We stayed at a hotel near the beach.

A: How did you travel?

B: We travelled by plane.

A: What did you do?

B: We went swimming and sunbathing at the beach, visited some museums and historical sites, and tried some local cuisine.

A: What was the weather like?

B: It was sunny and warm most of the time, with occasional cloudy and rainy days.

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