Change these active sentences to passive
1 They will punish him.
2 They are painting my office today.
3 They have just done the work.
4She bought this camera in Japan.
5 They took my daughter away from me.
6 Mosquitoes were eating me alive.
7 They had made many promises.
8 They will have completed the new bridge by March.
9 They are going to arrest me.
10 An American writer wrote this novel.
11 They had delivered the mail in the morning.
12 The police were investigating the cause of the accident.
13 We will hold the meeting tomorrow.


Ответ дал: menazobztimbob


1 He will be punished (by them).

2 My office is being painted today (by them).

3 The work has just been done (by them).

4 This camera was bought in Japan (by her).

5 My daughter was taken away from me (by them).

6 I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes.

7 Many promises had been made (by them).

8 The new bridge will have been completed by March (by them).

9 I am going to be arrested (by them).

10 This novel was written by an American writer.

11 The mail had been delivered in the morning (by them).

12 The cause of the accident was being investigated by the police.

13 The meeting will be held tomorrow (by us).


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