Допоможіть будь-ласка))) Англ.мова, хто сильний?​



Ответ дал: tarassorokin9


Yesterday my friend and I were told (tell) to see the head teacher. We thought we had done (do) something wrong. But no, she only wanted (want) to tell us that she had chosen (choose) us to represent the school in the school's spelling competition. This will be held (hold) in January in Manchester. We must travel (must/travel) there by train and stay in a hotel overnight. When I started school, I couldn't (not/can) spell very well and now I'm one of the best in the school. I wasn't interested (not/be) in books until my English teacher managed (manage/find) to find something that interested me. If I hadn't started reading, I wouldn't have become (not/become) a better speller. If we do well in the competition, we will win (win) some money for the school and some books for us.


Diana234558: ДУЖЕ ДЯКУЮ!! Ще є завданні в профілі, якщо можете допомогти))
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