Используйте глагол в нужной форме. Укажите использованную форму глагола. Переведите на русский язык.
1. A famous actress (to choose) to advertise the product.
2. The architects (to draw) up plants for the new library.
3. John (to make) to do the washing up.
4. The ozone layer gradually (to destroy) by pollution.
5. You can (to leave) your bags at the left-luggage office.
6. A bring-and-buy sale (to held) next month.
7. Our house (to do) up by a famous interior decorator.
8. Workmen (to find) some antique vases in the old house.
9. The cracks in the wall (to cause) by the earthquake.
10. Thousands of rare birds (to kill) by hunters every year.


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. A famous actress is chosen to advertise the product. (Present Simple Passive) - Известную актрису выбрали для рекламы продукта.

2. The architects are drawing up plans for the new library. (Present Continuous Passive) - Архитекторы составляют планы для новой библиотеки.

3. John was made to do the washing up. (Past Simple Passive) - Джону приказали помыть посуду.

4. The ozone layer is gradually being destroyed by pollution. (Present Continuous Passive) - Озоновый слой постепенно разрушается из-за загрязнения.

5. You can leave your bags at the left-luggage office. (Modal verb + base form) - Вы можете оставить свои сумки в камере хранения.

6. A bring-and-buy sale is to be held next month. (Infinitive Passive) - Блошиный рынок будет проведен в следующем месяце.

7. Our house was done up by a famous interior decorator. (Past Simple Passive) - Наш дом был обустроен известным дизайнером интерьеров.

8. Workmen found some antique vases in the old house. (Past Simple Active) - Рабочие нашли несколько античных ваз в старом доме.

9. The cracks in the wall were caused by the earthquake. (Past Simple Passive) - Трещины в стене были вызваны землетрясением.

10. Thousands of rare birds are killed by hunters every year. (Present Simple Passive) - Тысячи редких птиц убивают охотники каждый год.

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