1. Tom often at school. a) eats b) is eating a hamburger 3. Mary and Ann the moment. c) ate d) was eating 2. They dinner and speaking when I saw them. a) are having b) were having chess at a) are playing c) play b) were playing d) played 4. David the summit of Mount Fuji last year. a) is climbing c) climbed b) climbs 5. My granny my hair before school every morning. a) was combing c) combed b) is combing d) combs his vegetables 7. Stephen every Sunday and Wednesday. a) watered c) is watering b) was watering d) waters 6. Brian a difficult exam at 10 o'clock yesterday. a) has c) had b) is having d) was had c) had d) have 8. Kevin up early because he had an important exam. a) was getting c) got b) is getting d) gets a kite on a 9. Two boys big ship at the moment. a) are flying b) were flying d) was climbing c) flew d) fly​


Ответ дал: kirfedorchuk

Tom often eats at school. (a)

They were having dinner and speaking when I saw them. (b)

Mary and Ann were eating chess at the moment. (incorrect - the sentence doesn't make sense. It should be "Mary and Ann were playing chess at the moment." Answer: d)

David climbed the summit of Mount Fuji last year. (c)

My granny combed my hair before school every morning. (c)

Brian had a difficult exam at 10 o'clock yesterday. (c)

Stephen waters his vegetables every Sunday and Wednesday. (d)

Kevin was getting up early because he had an important exam. (a)

Two boys are flying a kite on a big ship at the moment. (a)

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