Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verb in brackets
1. My brother _____ (not manage) to finish his homework while he was sitting in the library.
2. While I was choosing a book, the shop assistant ______ (say) it was time to close.
3.At the cinema, some people_____(talk) loudly during the film, so I didn’t enjoy it.
4.___ (you / watch) a film when I called?
5.When the bus ____ (arrive), I got on.
6. Someone_____(take) my bag when I was travelling on the bus.
7. Someone____(steal) my bicycle while I was shopping.
8. Darren____(not chat) to friends when I saw him. He was on his own.


Ответ дал: woemrum13


1. didn't manage

2. said

3. were talking

4. Were you watching

5. arrived

6. took

7. stole

8. wasn't chatting


после when - past simple

после while - past continuous

два одновременных действия - past continuous

действия, происходящие друг за другом - past simple

Формула такая:

past continuous - длительное действие, так что это тоже стоит иметь в виду :)

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