3 Complete the text with the passive forms of the verbs.

The world's first aeroplane took off in 1903, and began the race for better air machines. Many new kinds of planes were developed (develop) between the two world wars. Jets and helicopters (build) during the Second World War, and the first commercial jet flight 2 (operate) in the 1950s. Concorde, the world's fastest commercial

planes, 3

(run) between 1969 and 2003. However, this kind of jet .......... (not produce) anymore

Nowadays, modern aeroplanes 5 efficiently.

(design) to use fuel more



Ответ дал: Capibarchik


The world's first aeroplane was taken off in 1903, and the race for better air machines was begun. Many new kinds of planes were developed between the two world wars. Jets and helicopters were built during the Second World War, and the first commercial jet flight was operated in the 1950s. Concorde, the world's fastest commercial planes, was run between 1969 and 2003. However, this kind of jet is not produced anymore.

Nowadays, modern aeroplanes are efficiently designed to use fuel more.


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