готуємося до тем оцінювання з говоріння по темеMy last working day-мой прошлый рабочий день
My weekends-мои выходные 6-10 речень пж помогите мне очень надо до завтра даю 100 балов только поомогите мне я вас умоляю!!!


Ответ дал: nastya109299
Тема: My Last Working Day (Мой Прошлый Рабочий День)

My last working day was last Friday, and it was a memorable one.
I wasn't feeling too well, so my colleagues surprised me with a farewell cake.
We took some pictures together and reminisced about our time working together.
My boss gave a heartfelt speech and presented me with a gift card.
I felt both sad and relieved that the day had finally come to an end.
As I was leaving the office, I thanked my coworkers for making my last day so special.
Overall, it was a bittersweet experience, and I will always remember my last working day with fondness.

Тема: My Weekends (Мои Выходные)

I always look forward to my weekends as a time to unwind and recharge.
On Saturday mornings, I like to sleep in and enjoy a cup of coffee while catching up on my favorite TV shows.
In the afternoons, I usually go for a walk in the park or run errands.
On Saturdays nights, I often go out to dinner with friends or watch a movie at home.
Sundays are my favorite day of the week because I can take my time and do things at a leisurely pace.
I enjoy cooking a big breakfast and reading the newspaper in the morning.
Sometimes, I meet up with family for brunch or spend the day exploring a new part of the city.
In the evenings, I like to prepare a nice dinner and relax with a good book or movie.
My weekends are the perfect balance of rest and fun, and they always leave me feeling recharged for the week ahead.
I treasure this time off and make sure to make the most of it.

timurbondarenko276: имба спасибо
nastya109299: Надеюсь правильно ответила.)
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