Перекласти речення:
1. Я знаю, що мій тато зараз ремонту авто.
2. Моя мама думає, що ми граємо у фотбол вже 2 години.
3. Вона впевнена, що зробить цю роботу до 5 години.
4. Я сподіваюсь, що тато вже повернувся додому.
5. Коли я прийшла зі школи, мама готувала вечерю.
6. Він завжди каже, що любить читати детективні розкази. ​


Ответ дал: jake7164


1. I know that my dad is repairing car now.

2. My mother thinks that we have been playing football for 2 hours.

3. She is sure that she will do this work by 5 o'clock.

4. I hope that dad has already returned home.

5. When I came home from school, my mother was cooking dinner.

6. He always says that he likes to read detective stories. ​

1. I know that my dad is repairing car now.

2. My mother thinks that we have been playing football for 2 hours.

3. She is sure that she will do this work by 5 o'clock.

4. I hope that dad has already returned home.

5. When I came home from school, my mother was cooking dinner.

6. He always says that he likes to read detective stories.


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