Напишіть власну спортивну історію для шкільної газети допоможіть будь ласка​


Ответ дал: viktorinapetri


Command of footballers from our school, "Leather lions", won a surprizing victory on competitions in regional championship. Since our command lost in the first match, it was them to fight on every game, to go out to the finale.

In a finale, our heroes met with a command from other city, that was considered the strongest in all area. At the beginning of match, it seemed that our guys did not have chances. However, a persistent game and command devotion did the business. Due to a skilful blow from Maksym, our command won a match with an account 2 : 1.

All were on the move, when a goal took place. The captain of our command, Games, said, that this was the result of difficulties and persistence that they educed during all championship. He said also, that victory was the result of training and support from all school.

This was in actual fact striking victory for our command. We were felt very proudly for our footballers and their trainer. On the day of next match all got dressed in red colors, to show support to the command.


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