1 The film last night ……………….than I was expecting.
a) was the more interesting b) was more interesting a) was the most interesting

2 My English essay is a lot …........yours!
a) worse than b)worst than c) the worst

3 you/do/What/last night/did?

What did you do last night?
What do you did last night?
What did you last night do ?

4. yesterday/you/Who/at the club/meet/did?
a) Who you did meet at the club yesterday?
b) Who did you yesterday meet at the club?
c) Who did you meet at the club yesterday?

5. My brother’s got ……amazing collection of comics.
a) an
b) a
c) 0
d) the

6. she would like….. a police officer
a) to be
b) be
c) being
d) is be

7. I really like…watch Criminal Minds
a) to watch
d) watches
c) watching
d) been watched

8. Bill is thinking of …. The police force
a) to joing
b) to be joing
c) to being joing
d) joining

9. I can’t stand …. my homework
a) to do
b) doing
c) done
d) do


Ответ дал: hypefaq

1. b) was more interesting

2. a) worse than

3. a) What did you do last night?

4. c) Who did you meet at the club yesterday?

5. a) an

6. a) to be

7. c) watching

8. d) joining

9. b) doing

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