30.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. - 1. Jack (pass) the interview and he's very happy. 2. I'm a the manager not (come) yet. 3. Thank you for everything you (do) for us. 4. I already (study) the telexes from Pari I (write) the answers. 5. I'm afraid he (forget) that yo waiting for him. 6. You (have) dinner yet? 7. I not (see) m- this week. He (fall ill). 8. They just (call) and (invite) us to He (go) to the bank. 10. My 9. - Where is Mr. Green? cousin already (learn) to read. 11. No news (come) yet fra office in London. 12. Someone (eat) all the cakes and I no (taste) one! 13. Remember that your children already (gro 14. This Hollywood star (live) a long and interesting life. 1 (look through) my favourite magazine yet. 16. My (throw away) the yogurt. It's too old. 17. I (cut) my finger It hurts. 18. She already (make) different sandwiches for They are on the plates. 19. She (be) very lonely lately. not (meet) recently. We (be) very busy lately. -​


Ответ дал: klumbkids



Что с 10 не понятно. Остальные  ниже

1 Jack passed the interview and he's very happy.

2 I'm at the manager's office, but he has not come yet.

3 Thank you for everything you have done for us.

4 I have already studied the telexes from Paris, and I have written the answers.

5 I'm afraid he forgot that you were waiting for him.

6 Have you had dinner yet?

7 I have not seen him this week. He has fallen ill.

8 They just called and invited us to go to the bank.

9 "Where is Mr. Green?" - "My cousin has already learned to read."

11 No news has come yet from the office in London.

12 Someone ate all the cakes, and I have not tasted one!

13 Remember that your children have already grown.

14 This Hollywood star lived a long and interesting life.

15 I have not looked through my favorite magazine yet.

16 I threw away the yogurt. It was too old.

17 I cut my finger. It hurts.

18 She has already made different sandwiches for us. They are on the plates.

19 She has been very lonely lately. She has not met anyone recently. We have been very busy lately.

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