❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗Complete the sentences with the articles a/the. 1) This is a picture. 2) This boy is 3) elephant is bigger than 4) I would like to have some salad. 5) Her sister is student. 6) My friend lives in 7) We have got picture is on the wall. oldest in our class. third house. nice garden. tiger. salad is tasty.​


Ответ дал: ficxyw

1) This is a picture.

2) This boy is the third oldest in our class.

3) The elephant is bigger than a tiger.

4) I would like to have some salad.

5) Her sister is a student.

6) My friend lives in a nice house with a garden.

7) We have got a picture on the wall.

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