2. A customer calls about holding a party at your hotel. Find out information about the party and what customer needs. Use the information and make a dialogue.

date and time of party
number of guests
type of menu
birthday cake
bar service
Example: Good afternoon, can I help you?


Ответ дал: denislilxx3



Good afternoon, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I'm interested in holding a party at your hotel. I wanted to inquire about some details.

Hotel Staff: Of course! We'd be happy to assist you. Could you please provide me with the date and time you have in mind for the party?

Customer: I'm planning to have it on the 15th of July, in the evening, starting at around 7 p.m.

Hotel Staff: Great! And how many guests are you expecting for the party?

Customer: We're estimating around 50 guests to attend.

Hotel Staff: Thank you for letting us know. Next, could you please inform me about the type of menu you would like for the event?

Customer: We're interested in having a buffet-style dinner with a variety of options for our guests to choose from.

Hotel Staff: Noted. And would you like us to arrange a birthday cake for the occasion as well?

Customer: Yes, it's a birthday party, so a cake would be wonderful. Can you also provide any customization options?

Hotel Staff: Certainly! We offer various cake designs and flavors to choose from. We can discuss the details later. Lastly, would you require bar service during the party?

Customer: Yes, we would like to have a bar available for our guests to enjoy drinks.

Hotel Staff: Understood. Finally, is there any specific information you would like to know about parking arrangements for the party?

Customer: Yes, we would like to ensure that there is ample parking space available for our guests.

Hotel Staff: Noted. We will make sure to accommodate the parking needs accordingly. Is there anything else you would like to inquire about or any additional requests?

Customer: I think that covers all the information I needed for now. Thank you for your assistance.

Hotel Staff: You're welcome! We're glad to assist you. We'll be in touch to discuss further details and finalize the arrangements for your party. Have a great day!

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