3 Make sentences using the phrases in the chart. Then explain your ideas to a partner. *** is someone something somewhere talk to frightened of shocked by who which that relax with bored with embarrassed by I can / can't I'm / I'm not I get I feel interested in annoyed with fascinated by​



Ответ дал: hhh15282


I'm interested in visiting somewhere that has a lot of historical landmarks.

I feel relaxed when I'm listening to music.

I'm fascinated by high-tech companies and how they operate.

My friend is someone who I can talk to about anything.

I'm not frightened of trying new things.

I get bored with doing the same thing every


I feel embarrassed by my bad English skills.

I was shocked by the news that my favorite band broke up.

nargizaamirzhanova99: спасибо но уже поздно)
rrara8850: а какие примеры вы написали
nargizaamirzhanova99: я сейчас занята потом скину. мне где скинуть? здесь удобно?
zumabaevmagzan2007: скидывай здесь
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