1. We .... (to see (Sara) (to read a book).
2. She ... (to hear) (they) (to break into the house).
3. Nick ... (to feel) (his mother) (to touch his hands).
4. 1... (not to see (he (to throw the ball at me).
5. Andy. (not to notice) (they) (to put a spider in his bag).
6. Alice's sister ... (to watch) (she)(to play tennis)..
7. Mike … .. (to notice) (they) (look for the kitten).
8. 1. (not to watch) (my brother) (play a video game).
9. Leila . (to see) (you) (steal my wallet).
10.Kim ... (to feel) (something) (to touch) his face).
11.She ... (to smell) (her mother) (to bake a cake in the kitchen).
12.1 . .. (to watch) (she) (to paint a picture).
13. We ... (not to hear) (he) (to ever speak in class).
14. He .... (to hear) (we)(to sing a song) .
15. Andrew ... (to smell) (something) (to burn).
16. Mary ... (to notice) (we) (to cross the street).
17.Sam ... (not to feel) (she) (to push him lightly).


Ответ дал: tarassorokin9


We saw Sara reading a book.

She heard them breaking into the house.

Nick felt his mother touching his hands.

I didn't see him throw the ball at me.

Andy didn't notice them putting a spider in his bag.

Alice's sister watched her play tennis.

Mike noticed them looking for the kitten.

I didn't watch my brother play a video game.

Leila saw you stealing my wallet.

Kim felt something touching his face.

She smelled her mother baking a cake in the kitchen.

I watched her paint a picture.

We didn't hear him ever speak in class.

He heard us singing a song.

Andrew smelled something burning.

Mary noticed us crossing the street.

Sam didn't feel her push him lightly.


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