2.SPEAKING Answer the questions. 1) What kind of job would you like to do in the future? 2) What short of qualifications do you think you need to have? 3)Is the job of teacher difficult or easy?Why? 4) What kind of jobs do you find interesting and which one boring?Why? 5)Why do you think school is important for your future career? Useful vocabulary: Get into university\save up\by myself\turn something intolexperience; I would like to became....because.... I believe they are......because........ I think the most interesting jobs are.... I will describe..... School is important becaus​


Ответ дал: lywehhhhh

1) In the future, I would like to work as a software engineer. I have a passion for technology and programming, and I believe working in the field of software development would be both challenging and fulfilling.

2) To pursue a career as a software engineer, I think it is important to have a strong foundation in computer science and programming languages. Qualifications such as a degree in computer science or a related field, as well as practical experience in software development, would be valuable.

3) The job of a teacher can be both difficult and easy, depending on various factors. Teaching requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, effective communication skills, and the ability to engage and motivate students. It can be challenging to manage a classroom, cater to different learning styles, and ensure that students grasp the concepts being taught. However, it can also be rewarding to see students learn and grow, and to make a positive impact on their lives.

4) Personally, I find jobs in the field of scientific research and exploration to be particularly interesting. The opportunity to contribute to new discoveries and advancements in knowledge is fascinating to me. On the other hand, I find repetitive and monotonous jobs less interesting, as they may not provide the same level of intellectual stimulation and personal growth.

5) School is important for future career prospects because it provides a foundation of knowledge and skills that are essential in various professional fields. It equips students with academic knowledge, critical thinking abilities, problem-solving skills, and communication skills. School also offers opportunities for personal development, social interaction, and exposure to a diverse range of subjects. Additionally, completing higher education can open doors to more advanced career opportunities and increase earning potential.

Useful vocabulary:

- Get into university: to be accepted or admitted to a university.

- Save up: to accumulate money over time by setting it aside for future use.

- By myself: without the help or assistance of others.

- Turn something into experience: to gain valuable knowledge or skills from a particular situation or activity.

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